Agenda Details

CONNECT 2016 is pleased to offer opportunities to address every attendee’s needs! Workshops, presentations, roundtable sessions, panel discussions, private meeting areas, product demonstrations and interactive exhibits.

Below you will find a list of sessions being offered. Sessions are continually being added so check back often.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

11:00 am Registration Opens
12:30 pm – 4:00 pm

Microsoft Certification

12:30 pm – 3:00 pm

Are YOU certifiable? Microsoft Imagine Academy Workshop

Microsoft Certified Courses in the classroom: The Power of Industry Certification for ALL Students. Discover the power of Microsoft Imagine Academy for your classroom and get a chance to earn a globally recognized Microsoft certification for FREE. Join CCI Learning, a Microsoft Authorized Education Partner for this 3 hour engaging and interactive workshop as they highlight success stories of real students and real schools to learn about the incredible success of the Microsoft Imagine Academy program across Canada.Get an in-depth look at how industry certifications like Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) and Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) help students develop job-ready skills giving them a competitive edge in today’s job market. Learn about the Microsoft Certified Educator (MCE). And at the end, try a certification for yourself!

3:00 pm – 3:50 pm Are YOU certifiable? Microsoft Imagine Academy Certification
Take advantage of this unique opportunity to experience a globally recognized industry certification which gives a competitive edge to any young professional wishing to stand out in today’s job.
12:30 pm – 4:00 pm


Arduino and Robotics in the Classroom: Next Steps after Hour of Code
Presenter: Wendy Wright, Teacher/Librarian, KPRDSB
Considerations in Effective Online Resources and Professional Learning Environments
Presenter:Mars Bloch
Presenter: Jessica Johnson
Demystifying and Integrating Coding for Use in the Elementary School Classroom
Presenter: Lisa Floyd, Teacher/Instructor, TVDSB and Western University – Faculty of Education
Presenter: Steven Floyd, Teacher, LDCSB
Presenter: Diane Tepylo, Sessional Instructor: Computational Thinking In Math and Science Education, University of Western Ontario
Digital Voices: Empowering Students to Show What They Know
Moving Beyond Storing Files – Making Blended Learning Truly Personalized and Engaging
Presenter: Paul Hatala, eLearning/Blended Learning Instructional Coach, HWDSB
Presenter: Mr Tim Kivell, Consultant, HWDSB
The Inclusive Classroom: Google Apps and UDL
Presenter: Dina Moati, Professor, Sheridan College

Where is the tech in Primary??

Presenter: Mark Duke, Kindergarten Teacher, Newcastle Public School

12:30 pm – 4:00 pm

Compass for Success Workshops

 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm Tips and Tricks to Manage your Compass Portal Solutio
Presenter: Diane Findlay, Manager, Compass for Success
Presenter: Ling Meng, Senior Business Intelligence Solutions Specialist, Compass for Success
Presenter: Chandra Poluru, Portal Developer, Compass for Success
 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm A User’s Guide to the Compass Portal, Gradebook, Student Tracker, School Improvement Plan and Parent Portal
Presenter: Diane Findlay, Manager, Compass for Success
Presenter: Ling Meng, Senior Business Intelligence Solutions Specialist, Compass for Success
Presenter: Chandra Poluru, Portal Developer, Compass for Success

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

7:00 am Registration Opens
7:00 am – 8:15 am Light Breakfast and Coffee
7:30 am – 8:00 am How to use my CONNECT Conference App
8:00 am – 8:15 am Conference Opening Remarks
8:15 am – 9:15 am


Angela Maiers – Mattering is the Agenda

9:30 am – 10:20 am


Understanding Digital Citizenship
Spotlight Speaker: Alec Couros, Associate professor of educational technology and media, University of Regina

9:30 am – 10:20 am


Augmented Reality Applications for Higher Education

Presenter: Faith Marcel, Professor, Niagara College

Building Student Engagement With Minecraft
Presenter: Lee Martin, Teacher, DSBN

Capturing Mathematical Thinking in the Early Years

Presenter: Heather Ma, Early Years Consultant, Simcoe County District School Board
Presenter: Crystal Carbino, Designated Early Childhood Resource Educator, SCDSB
Presenter: Kristen Fennell, Vice Principal, Simcoe County District School Board SCDSB

Débrouillardise, autonomie et apprentissage structuré
Presenter: Mathieu Morin, High School Teacher, Conseil scolaire Viamonde
Engaging Staff as Leaders & Learners with Technology
Presenter: Jenn Davey, Vice Principal, Limestone District School Board
Presenter: Chad Taylor, Principal, Limestone District School Board
Flip Your Classroom with Office 365
Presenter: Martha Jez, Fair Chance Learning
Capturing Student Thinking in Math
Presenter: Tina Zita, Instructional Technology Resource Teacher

OneNote – The Most Powerful Binder Ever!

Presenter: Jeff Dumoulin, Information Technology Teacher Consultant, Grand Erie DSB

Turning Toys into Powerful Tools
Presenter: Greg Ayrheart, Teacher, Bruce-Grey Catholic District School Board
With All Classroom Technology, How Do We Keep Our Priorities Heard?
The Flipped Classroom: Decreasing Stress & Increased Understanding
Presenter: Catherine Veteri, Teacher, LDCSB

Optimizing Blog Structure to Enhance K-12 Critical Thinking Skills; Framework

Presenter: Ryan Turner, Learning Leader, Calgary Board of Education

The Missing Part of the EdTech Equation
Tech Drop In
10:30 am – 11:20 am


Liberating Genius – Angela Maiers (Free ebook)

10:30 am – 11:20 am


Creating Parent Facing Services (Azure AD B2C)
Presenter: Karen McGregor
A SWIFT way to connect educators and students
Presenter: Geoff Hogan, Staff Technical Lead, SWIFT Network
Assessment Everything with Explain Everything
Presenter: Theresa Price, 21 Century Learning Consultant, Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board
Presenter: Mr Tim Kivell, Consultant, Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board

Bringing the outside world in: Making partners for tech

Presenter: Victor Wong, STEM DLL, Teacher, Toronto District School Board

Draw Your Plan for Online Student Success

Presenter: Derrick Millard, Professor, Sheridan College

Exploring K-12 Classroom Uses for Select ‘Google Apps for Education’
Presenter: Katelyn Scott, Graduate Student, Brock University
Co-Presenter: Kyle Sutter, Graduate Student, Brock University
Fostering Student Learning through E-portfolios
Presenter: Dina Moati, Professor, Sheridan College
Innovation and the Ramp Up for Generation Z

Learning in “Life after Labs” – Modes of Digital Access in the OCDSB

Presenter: Michael Partridge, Elementary ICT Consultant, Ottawa Carleton District School Board
Presenter: Sandy Owens, Vice Principal Of Information Technology, Ottawa Carleton District School Board
Presenter: Dave Miller, Manager, Business & Learning Technologies, Ottawa Carleton District School Board

Library resource management and time saving tips & tricks for collection development in your school library
Presenter: Frank Coster, Vice-President Canadian Operations, Follett School Solutions
Never Stop Learning
Presenter: Katina Papulkas, Director of Educational Partnerships K-12, TVO
ORION & The Provincial Digital Community: serving communities within communities
Pop Up Makerspaces
Presenter: Tina Zita, Instructional Technology Resource Teacher, Peel District School Board
Presenter: Heather Black, Instructional Coach, Peel District School Board
Enhance Your Digital Treasure Chest: Curriculum Relevant Resources that Support Your K-12 BYOD, eLearning and Blended Learning Environments
Presenter: Lorraine Young, Digital Solutions Manager, Nelson Education Ltd.
Presenter: Todd Wright, Consultant Faddle Creek
Tech Drop In
Start Up – Online Forms for Schools and Parents
11:30 am

Lunch or Vendor Demonstration – There are 3 of these time slots (11:30, 12:00 and 12:30) on Wednesday – select one lunch and 2 demonstrations.

What’s New with The Casper Suite and IOS 9.3
Come and take a quick tour of the LapCabby range. Find us on Booth #603
Effectively integrating your school website, notification, and mobile app services
Making Google Apps Accessible for All
Shark Tank at Your School?
Seamlessly Integrating Student Devices into Learning Environments
ClassFlow: Go With the Flow and Engage your Students
Key factors when considering a 3D printer for your school – How to make the best decision
Increasing Student Engagement with Digital Content
Insights into your board’s academic achievement without a data warehouse
Math Help Services, a cloud based primary resources for mathematics – A better way to do Math!
Making Learning Visible
Use our various tablet stands and enclosures within the learning environment to enhance the learning process
Start Up – Open your classroom to the possibilities
ThoughtQ and WordQ; The Perfect Writing Combination
3D Printing (Additive Manufacturing) Demonstration
Engage. Monitor. Measure.
Citrix Education Technology Solutions
AppSense & Citrix Technology Solutions
1:00 pm – 1:50 pm


Using collisions of ideas and perspectives to foster deeper student engagement

Spotlight Speaker: Shaun Elder, Executive Director, The Royal Conservatory – Learning Through the Arts

1:00 pm – 1:50 pm


Creativity, Collaboration, and Problem Solving with Minecraft – Education Edition
Presenter: Martha Jez, Fair Chance Learning
Adding Student Voice to the Conversation – The Podcast
Presenter: Jason Richea, Instructional Technology Resource Teacher, Peel District School Board
Presenter: Mr. Jimmy Blackwood, Teacher, Peel District School Board
Comment gérer une matière dans une classe à niveaux multiples?
Presenter: Mrs Sophie McQueen, Enseignante, Conseil Scolaire ViaMonde
A Viral Model for Systemic Change
Presenter: Ralph Grant
Presenter: Jennifer Davies
Designing Future-Forward Learning & Learning Spaces
Presenter: Gen-Ling Chang, Director Equity Projects, The Learning Partnership
Presenter: Negin Vatandoost, Policy and Research Analyst, The Learning Partnership
Presenter: Michael Cooper, Director of Development and Government Relations, The Learning Partnership
Going Formative With Google Apps for Education
Presenter: Andrew Bieronski, Teacher, WRDSB
Jamie Reaburn Weir, Teacher, WRDSB
iPads and Interactive Notebooks
Presenter: MaryBeth DuChene, Teacher, Limestone District School Board
Presenter: Jessi Lalonde, Teacher, Limestone District School Board

The Smart Creative Classroom – Arduinos, Raspberry Pis, NXTs, Robotics and 3-D Printing

Presenter: Steven Floyd, Teacher, LDCSB

Save Thousands of Dollars in Your School or Board by improving the management of your assets.
Presenter: Jim McDonald, Senior Technical Consultant, Follett School Solutions
Presenter: Linda Clarkstone, Library Technician, District School Board of Niagara
These are your School Announcements!
Presenter: James Cowper, Principal, GECDSB

The Necessity of Redefining the Math Classroom

Presenter: Sandra Chow, Teacher, Toronto District School Board

Presenter: Kaylyn Dorland, Teacher, HCDSB
Making Thinking Visible to Become Critical Thinkers
Presenter: Jamie Johnston, Teacher, DSB Ontario North East
Presenter: Mrs Susan Klooster, District Instructional Coach, District School Board Ontario North East
How can SMART Learning Suite Help my Students Learn?
Karen Brooks Nelson, Education Consultant , Advanced Education
Tech Drop In
Start Up – The Writing Project
The Educational Benefits of Educators & Students working with Startups
2:00 pm – 2:50 pm


Building Bridges: A Connected and Collaborative Approach to Creating Classroom Community
Presenter: Matt Sajn, Professor of Communications, Niagara College
Co-Presenter: Tania Fera-VanGent

Demystifying Coding: 2 Web-based tools and 2 robots to introduce coding to K-5 students

Presnter: Nikolaos Chatzopoulos

BYOD? Beyond Your Online Disasters and Doom… Yes! you can!
Presenter: Joanne Cayer, Grade 8 teacher, Sciences, Ottawa Catholic School Board
Mobilising Support for our Students with Special needs using Microsoft
Presenters: Luigi Di Filippo, Director, Information Technology Services and Assistant Director Educational Technology, English Montreal School Board
Bruce Seidel, CEO and President, emAppitizer
Environnement en ligne qui soutient l’apprentissage (Maison Montessori)
Presenter: Samer Amrane, Conseiller pédagogique, Conseil Scolaire Viamonde
Presenter: Jessica Duhaime, Teacher, Conseil Scolaire Viamonde
Presenter: Dalia Maamoun, Teacher, Conseil Scolaire Viamonde
#Geniushour For All
Presenter: Hella Richter-Glinos, Genius Hour Teacher (JK-Grade 5), Millwood Junior School

How to bring your students’ language to their learning

Mobilising Support for our Students with Special needs using Microsoft
Presenters: Luigi Di Filippo, Director, Information Technology Services and Assistant Director Educational Technology, English Montreal School Board
Bruce Seidel, CEO and President, emAppitizer

Transforming Practice One Teacher At A Time

Presenter: Michael Cain, Program Consultant, Durham Catholic District School Board

Transform to a Hybrid Infrastructure with HPE
Presenter: Garth Reid, National Strategist – Converged Infrastructure at HP
Use the Microsoft Imagine Academy to promote digital literacy for students through MS Certification
Presenter: Mitch LaPointe, Program Leader, DSBN and Louise Bernardini, I.T Coordinator, DSBN
Using enhanced digital content to engage your students
Presenter: Jay Royal, Senior Educational Consultant, Follett School Solutions
Presenter: Marg Moran, Principal, Harriett Todd Public School, Simcoe County District School Board
Presenter: Stuart Burnie, Teacher Librarian, Harriett Todd Public School, Simcoe Country District School Board
Using Google Calendar for Planning and Collaborating
Presenter: Jaime Gauthier, Teacher, SCDSB
Video – Beyond “Press Play”
Presenter: Andria Lynett, Teacher & Video Producer, District School Board of Niagara
From the Learning Commons to Google Classroom
Presenter: Brendan O’Dacre, Gale Market Development Manager, Nelson Education Ltd
Tech Drop In
Start Up – Ignite Metacognition with Digital Self and Peer Assessment
3:00 pm – 5:00 pm Attendee Reception and Prizing in Exhibit Hall

Thursday, April 28, 2016

7:00 am Registration Opens
7:00 am – 8:15 am Light Breakfast and Coffee
8:30am – 10:00am Exhibit Hall Opening
8:30 am – 9:20 am


Bringing back the Makerspace Classroom
Zoe Branigan-Pipe, Curriculum Coordinator, St. James-Assiniboia School Division

8:30 am – 9:20 am


Start Up – Authentic Assessment using iCanProgress
Presenter: Jonathan Carnaroli
Presenter: Micaela Mansfield
Windows 10 is Awesome… So Are The Devices
Presenter: Cyril Zheng, Microsoft Canada
Library resource management and time saving tips & tricks for collection development in your school library
Presenter: Frank Coster, Vice-President Canadian Operations, Follett School Solutions
Un modèle viral pour le changement systémique
Presenter: Mr. Ralph Grant, Technology Consultant/Conseiller pédagogique en technologie, Conseil scolaire Viamonde
Presenter: Rémi Thomassin, Conseiller pédagogique, CSViamonde
Presenter: Samer Amrane, Conseiller pédagogique, CSViamonde
Presenter: Angela Manolachi, Curriculum Consultant, CS Viamonde
Using Technology to Facilitate Hands-on Learning
Presenter: Stephanie Gumieniak

Teaching online privacy – a primer on risks, research and resources

Presenter: Daphne Guerrero, Manager, public education and outreach, Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada

Through Their Eyes: Capturing and Communicating Primary Student Learning
Presenter: Julia Graydon, Learning and Technologies SPAT, RCCDSB

How to bring your students’ language to their learning

Presenter: Shaun Elder, Executive Director, The Royal Conservatory – Learning Through the Arts

Entrepreneurial Spirit in the Classroom: You and Your Students Can Solve Problems That Matter By Applying Dragons’ Den Startup Strategies
Presenter: Stephanie Chan, Educational Technology Lead, Calgary Board of Education
Lesson Planning in the Digital Age
Presenter: Andrew Bieronski, Teacher, WRDSB
The New Literacy: Why Coding Is Your Student’s Key to Unlocking the Future
Presenter: Lee Martin, Teacher, DSBN
Using the FREE vLE to Create a Staff, Student and Parent Portal
Presenter: Paul Hatala, eLearning/Blended Learning Instructional Coach, HWDSB

iPads and Historical Thinking

Presenter: Mike Clare, Sessional Instructor Fac of Edn UOIT, Univeristy of Ontario Institute of Technology

Normalizing Assistive Technology for All

Presenter: Karen Wilson, 21 Century Learning Consultant, Hamilton-Wentworth District School Board
Terri Corneil, 21CL Consultant – Assistive Technology, HWDSB

Morphing D2L to suit the Primary/Junior Division
Presenter: Carolyn Dowds, Teacher, DSBN
9:30 am – 10:20 am


Humanizing Ed. Tech Integration
Spotlight Speaker: Todd Sniezek, Instructional Coach , District School Board of Niagara

9:30 am – 10:20 am


The Human Face of Tech – How to Neutralize Harmful Behaviour
Empowering ALL Learners in the Classroom with Microsoft Technology
Presenter: Kara Golani, Teacher Evangelist, Microsoft Canada

Project D’Apprentissage Actif (Active Learning Project)

Presenter: Anabel DaSilva, Conseillère pédagogique, Conseil scolaire Viamonde
Presenter: Robert Powo, Enseignant, Conseil scolaire Viamonde
Presenter: Nicole Stogaitis, Teacher, Conseil scolaire Viamonde

5 Ways to Go Global with Assessment

Presenter: Vickie Morgado, Teacher, DPCDSB
Presenter: Dan Martinic, Teacher, Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board

Making it Work; Integrating O365 with iPads in the Classroom

Presenter: Joanne Borges, teacher/ed tech consultant, LDSB/ Fair Chance Learning
Presenter: Mistene Clapp, Connected Technology Teacher, Limestone District School Board

Building a One-to-One Program
Presenter: Richard Saunders, Coordinator, Avon Maitland DSB
Presenter: Trevor Hammer, Tech Coach, AMDSB
Presenter: Kathleen Carr, AMDSB
Presenter: Joey Jackson, AMDSB
The Human Face Of Technology: How to Neutralize Harmful Behaviour in the Digital Era
Presenter: Ted Mouradian, President, The 2% Factor

The Role of Technology in Enhancing Teaching and Learning in Mathematics

Presenter: Chris Knight, Teacher Consultant, Greater Essex County District School Board

Gamification 101
Presenter: Sunshine Miller, Coordinarot of Cooperativev Enrichment TST Boces
Tweet it! GAFE it! Blend It! Blog it!
Presenter: Olivia Skibinski, Teacher, HCDSB

Integrating Technology in an Administrator’s Day

Presenter: Artemis Manoukas, Vice Principal, Toronto DSB
Presenter: Mrs. Annie Slater, Vice Principal, TDSB

How Can Maker Education Be Relevant from Kindergarten to Grade 6?

Presenter: Patricia Fiorino, Teacher, Ottawa Catholic School Board
Presenter: Rola Tibshirani

Game-Based Learning or Gamification: Benefits, Challenges, Solutions

Presenter: Rebecca Bunz, Teacher, DSBN

Start Up – A Different Kind of Mathematics Contest
CIO Roundtable
10:30 am – 11:20 am


Fostering Social Innovation in our Classrooms and Beyond!
Spotlight Speaker: Michael Furdyk

10:30 am – 11:20 am


Innovative Educators, Join the Canadian #EdTech Revolution
Presenter: Kara Golani, Teacher Evangelist
Using enhanced digital content to engage your students
Presenter: Jay Royal, Senior Educational Consultant, Follett School Solutions
Presenter: Marg Moran, Principal, Harriett Todd Public School, Simcoe County District School Board
Presenter: Stuart Burnie, Teacher Librarian, Harriett Todd Public School, Simcoe Country District School Board
Démontrer et documenter ses apprentissages
Presenter: Mrs Milène Brassard, Conseillère pédagogique, Conseil scolaire Viamonde
Presenter: Jennifer Davies, Conseillère pédagogique, Conseil scolaire Viamonde

Realistic Regulation of Data Protection in the Education Sector

Presenter: Kelly Friedman, Partner, DLA Piper (Canada) LLP

A Tale of Two Games: How Minecraft and Her Story Changed Our Approach to Engaging Students
Presenter: Jim Pedrech, Department Head, English and Canadian & World Studies, London District Catholic School Board

Student Voice in a 21st Century Inquiry Classroom

Presenter: Marc Nead, Numeracy Support Teacher, St. Clair Catholic District School Board
Presenter: Danielle Karlsson, Grade 7 teacher, St. Clair Catholic District School Board

Exploring by the Seat of Your Pants
Presenter: Joe Grabowski, Science and Math Teacher, Wellington Catholic District School Board
Wayfinding in Digital Places
Presenter: Helen DeWaard, Instructor, Faculty of Education

Implementing edTech to Support ELLs in the K12 classroom

Presenter: Keith Crawford, ESL and Teacher

NorCan project
Presenter: Paul Bisson, Principal, GECDSB
Presenter: Craig Guthrie, Teacher, GECDSB
The Power of Digital Content to Ignite Blended Learning
Presenter: Anthony Perrotta, Toronto Catholic District School Board

Going Techno: The 21st Century English Classroom

Presenter: Kim Desing-McCardle, Teacher/Instructional Coach, District School Board of Niagara
Presenter: Barb Lane, Instructional Coach, District School Board of Niagara

Digital Book Creation with Book Creator and App Smashing

Presenter: Nikolaos Chatzopoulos

Start Up – PD Has Been The Same Since 2000BC. How Are You Integrating Tech in the Classroom
11:30 am

Lunch or Vendor Demonstration – There are 2 of these time slots (11:30 and 12:00) on Thursday – select one lunch and one demonstration.

What’s New with The Casper Suite and IOS 9.3
Come and take a quick tour of the LapCabby range. Find us on Booth #603
Effectively integrating your school website, notification, and mobile app services
Making Google Apps Accessible for All
Shark Tank at Your School?
Seamlessly Integrating Student Devices into Learning Environments
ClassFlow: Go With the Flow and Engage your Students
Key factors when considering a 3D printer for your school – How to make the best decision
Increasing Student Engagement with Digital Content
Insights into your board’s academic achievement without a data warehouse
Math Help Services, a cloud based primary resources for mathematics – A better way to do Math!
Making Learning Visible
Use our various tablet stands and enclosures within the learning environment to enhance the learning process
Start Up – Open your classroom to the possibilities
ThoughtQ and WordQ; The Perfect Writing Combination
3D Printing (Additive Manufacturing) Demonstration
Engage. Monitor. Measure.
Citrix Education Technology Solutions
AppSense & Citrix Technology Solutions
12:30 pm – 1:20 pm


Keeping Focus on the Mathematics in a Technology-Enhanced Math Classroom

Spotlight Speaker: David Wees, Formative Assessment and Instructional Specialist, New Visions for Public Schools

12:30 pm – 1:20 pm


3D Printing in Elementary Schools – Next Steps with Social Justice
Presenter: Stephen Miles, STEM Coach, TDSB
Capturing Student Learning Using ePortfolio
Presenter: Melissa McKinney-Lepp, Grade 2/3 Teacher, District School Board of Niagara

Creating Digital Lead Learners

Presenter: Andrew Schmitt, Instructional Leader, TDSB

Save Thousands of Dollars in Your School or Board by improving the management of your assets.
Presenter: Jim McDonald, Senior Technical Consultant, Follett School Solutions
Presenter: Linda Clarkstone, Library Technician, District School Board of Niagara
Azure – Active Directory Premium – Azure – Active Directory Premium Customer Panel
Moderator: Karen McGregor, Microsoft Canada
Mon prof fait les choses à l’envers et j’aime ça! (Flipped Classroom)
Presenter: Mr Justin Davoh, Consultant, CSViamonde
Presenter: Sameh Gam, Teacher, CSViamonde

Making Learning Visible – Using Pedagogical Documentation in a Play and Inquiry Based Classroom

Presenter: Becky Kennedy, Teacher – Kindergarten, Simcoe County District School Board

#WHOtoYOU Global Collaboration Experience
Presenter: Kaylyn Dorland, Teacher, HCDSB
Assessment and Pedagogical Documentation with iPad (FDK-Primary)
Presenter: Michelle Cordy, Teacher, Applied Researcher
The Impending Student Data Crisis
Presenter: Andrew Campbell
Start Up – Minecraft Game Design – Beyond Gamification of Worksheets
Simplifying EQAO Preparation with Online Tools
Using Formative Feedback to Support Online Learning
Presenter: Nicholas Contant
2:00 pm – 3:15 pm


Chris Hadfield

3:30 pm – 5:30 pm Chris Hadfield Book Signing and Prize Giveaway in Exhibit Hall

Friday, April 29, 2016

7:30 am Registration Opens
8:30 am – 9:20 am


Marc Saltzman

9:30 am – 10:20 am


The ConnectED Classroom

Presenter: Peter Cameron, Teacher, TBCDSB

Using Citizen Science to Fuel Curiosity

Building Community to Inspire Innovation

Presenter: Ben McDougal, Communication Builder, Jet Set Studio

Creating Digital Portfolios with Chromebooks

Presenter: Todd Sniezik

Minecraft in the Classroom
Presenter: Vickie Morgado, Teacher, DPCDSB
Sylvia Vanaselja, Teacher, Dpcdsb

Hybrid Course on Math 

Presenter: Xiang Yan, Professor, Niagara College
Presenter: Mrs. (Amy) Phuong Hoang, Professor, Department of Mathematics, Niagara College, Applied Dreams

Show and Tell with Marc Saltzman
10:30 am – 11:20 am


Why Creativity Matters
Spotlight Speaker: Sylvia Duckworth, Teacher, Crescent School

10:30 am – 11:20 am


Digital Citizenship Collaboration using GAPPS and the Social Web
Presenter: Rodolfo Candela, Teacher, Limestone District School Board
Kellie Yateman, Teacher, Limestone District School Board
Un environnement stimulant et motivant
Presenter: Donald Cyr, Enseignant, Conseil scolaire Viamonde
Presenter: Nathalie MacDonald, Enseignante ressource, Conseil scolaire Viamonde
Presenter: Olivier Prodjinotho, Teacher, Conseil scolaire Viamonde

Strengthening Project-based Learning through Project Management Best Practices

Presenter: David Hutchison, Professor, Brock University

Using Twitter to Engage and Make Change
Presenter: Greg McLeod, Principal, TDSB
Co-Presenter: Alison Board, Teaching & Learning Coach, TDSB
11:30 am – 12:20 pm


Engagement des élèves et des parents
Presenter: Mme Mahlah Lockey, Teacher, Conseil scolaire Viamonde
Presenter: Luc Lessard, Vice-Principal, Conseil scolaire Viamonde

Developing a Growth Mindset to Build Student and Parent Engagement for Learning

Presenter: Gianna Helling, Principal, Toronto Catholic District School Board

These are your School Announcements!
Presenter: James Cowper, Principal, GECDSB

Girls Learning Code: Empowering the future generation of diverse technologists

Presenter: Melissa Sariffodeen, Co-Executive Director, Ladies Learning Code
Presenter: Brittany Hemming, Ladies Learning Code

Using 3D Models in the Science Classroom
Creating a Universal Wireless AV Receiver
Presenter: Kyle Tuck, Systems Administrator and Technician, Brock University